Rekognisi Internasional
No. | Nama Dosen | Keterangan | Tahun |
1. | Prof. Dr. H. Nur Asnawi, M.Ag | Speaker at International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES) 2022 | 2022 |
2. | Prof. Dr. H. Nur Asnawi, M.Ag | Editor in Chief di M-IEC Journal “Maliki Islamic Economics Journal” | 2022 |
3. | Prof. Dr. H. Nur Asnawi, M.Ag | Narasumber “Islamic Technopreneur” di PT Kaltim prima Coal | 2022 |
4. | Prof. Dr. Siswanto, MM | Guest Speaker during IFWMI-AZKA WEBINAR : Islamic Social Finance in the Era of Society 5.0: Resilience and Sustainability | 2023 |
5. | Prof. Dr. Siswanto, MM | Reviewer Jurnal of Business Ethics 2015-2018 Associate Editor (International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling) | 2017-Sekarang |
6. | Prof. Dr. Siswanto, MM | Associate Editor and Reviewer (Airlangga International Journal of Islamic Economic and Finance “AIJIEF”) | 2019-Sekarang |
7. | Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sani Supriyanto, SE.,MM | Pemateri dalam kegiatan Akselerasi Guru Besar dan Peningkatan Karya Ilmiah Bagi Dosen FEBI UIN Raden Intan Lampung | 2023 |
8. | Dr. H. Misbahul Munir, Lc., M.EI | Passed the Certified Advanced Human Resource Management (CAHRM) | 2022 |
9. | Dr. Indah Yuliana, SE., MM., CIFA | Editorial Board Jurnal MEC-J “Management and Economic Journal” | 2022 |
10. | Dr. Hj. Nanik Wahyuni, SE., M.Si, Ak., CA | Reviewer pada Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting | 2022 |
11. | Dr. Yayuk Sri Rahayu, MM., CMA | Penetapan Juri Olimpiade Internasional asosiasi Program Studi Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah Indonesia | 2024 |
12 | Eko Suprayitno, SE., M.Si., Ph.D | Reviewer for Humanities and Social Sciences Communications | 2023 |
13 | Eko Suprayitno, SE., M.Si., Ph.D | Speaker AZKA Webinar | 2023 |
14 | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra, SE., M.Bus., Ak., CA., CFA., P.hD | Editorial Board Jurnal MEC-J “Management and Economic Journal” | 2021 |
15. | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra, SE., M.Bus., Ak., CA., CFA., P.hD | Reviewer MIEC Journal “Maliki Islamic Economic Journal” | 2022 |
16. | Yuniarti Hidayah Suyoso Putra, SE., M.Bus., Ak., CA., CFA., P.hD | Dosen Pendamping collaboration with us in education field and training facilitation intended to upgrade the knowledge and skills of our student | 2022 |
17 | Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana, SE., M.Ec., | Narasumber “International Focus Group Discussion, Islamic Banking Curriculum Based on OBE, 22-23 Agustus 2023” | 2023 |
18. | Dr. Irmayanti Hasan, ST., MM.,CMA | Narasumber Kuliah Tamu “Manajemen Pemasaran dengan tema “Understanding Consumer Behavior” | 2021 |
19. | Dr. Fani Firmansyah, SE., MM., CMA | Certified Marketing Analyst (CMA) | 2022 |
20. | Dr. Nihayatu Aslamatis Solekah, SE., MM | Presenter pada kegiatan 8th International Conference of Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES) | 2023 |
21. | Dr. Nihayatu Aslamatis Solekah, SE., MM | Presenter pada kegiatan 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Sciences | 2022 |
22. | Kurniawati Meylianingrum, M.E | Narasumber “Seminar Digitalisasi dan Islamic Branding KKM Internasional Malaysia” | 2024 |
23. | Ahmad Tibrizi Soni Wicaksono, SE., | Narasumber “Webinar, Tips and Trik Menulis Artikel Tembus Jurnal Internasional” | 2023 |